About our

Welcome to Vaivdosi

Food is one of the greatest happiness for modern people.
We constantly think and try for good food and delicious food.
With the advent of the refrigerator, mankind has been able to experience a world of more delicious food.
"Delicious" is to express when the freshness and flavor of the raw materials is maintained. However, the stored ingredients lose their original flavor in the course of their deterioration with the passage of time.

VAIVDOSI has attempted a new concept approach that the refrigerator can contribute to improving the taste and quality of the material. And we started this business with the conviction that we can solve the problem that we crave in the field.

VAIVDOSI is aiming to create a more delicious, healthier gourmet market through the use of original technology to keep the original state of the material that is the basis of 'delicious food' as much as possible.

“All the ingredients taste better depending on the temperature.”

VAIVDOSI intends to open up a new chapter in fresh gourmet with temperature science that makes the ingredients delicious.

- VAIVDOSI Co., Ltd. -